Amazon KDP, Self-publishing & Low-content books

How You Can Make Money Online by Creating Low & Middle Content Books Just By Writing Their Text and Drawing Their Graphics

Tommaso Nobili


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

First and foremost, a heartfelt greeting to all my followers and subscribers!

This article definitively marks my return to Medium to discuss a topic that is simple only in appearance: self-publishing!

This series of themed articles aims to be a comprehensive guide at multiple levels, from beginners to more experienced publishers. For this reason, the initial articles will cover the basics, gradually moving on to increasingly complex topics.

Are you ready to start???

What Is Amazon KDP?

KDP, which stands for Kindle Direct Publishing, is an Amazon functionality that allows you to independently publish your book in an e-book, hardcover, or paperback format.

How Does Amazon KDP Work?

The button “Create” is at the top of the page

Publishing with Amazon KDP couldn’t be easier! Once you’ve created your profile, you just have to click on…



Tommaso Nobili
Tommaso Nobili

Written by Tommaso Nobili

Self-publisher, blogger, content creator

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